Inscription 36659
- parents
- children
- id
- c4228aa04a8175d6f3d4b09a1cf64fcf366c2e64b0cbc211b63bd4fb8e0a9c6fi0
- metadata
- Title
- The unassembled
- Art description
- A collection consisting of my art still unassembled
- Collection Number
- 0
- address
- tb1pwed5hxnwnch2f5pktm85r2yh0s4j9mvr49lfpxesujgzvnmjzr7s89v6tr
- value
- 10000
- sat
- 134519892188464
- sat name
- mwyyyfxudsz
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 15 bytes
- content type
- text/plain;charset=utf-8
- timestamp
- height
- 191228
- fee
- 280
- reveal transaction
- c4228aa04a8175d6f3d4b09a1cf64fcf366c2e64b0cbc211b63bd4fb8e0a9c6f
- location
- 7a3fbfb74a2d559d3a6d00104f53d819b14486b799ed2fcc0714776fb178a824:0:0
- output
- 7a3fbfb74a2d559d3a6d00104f53d819b14486b799ed2fcc0714776fb178a824:0
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xEA4F20991Fe833426a22d29F31355BAcECFA8226